the stars, the sea, and sleep.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


A salty morning meets my eyes
And laps up water by my sides
Starboard, port, bow, and stern
The ocean waves and the sun burns

The seaweed's fingers stretch to dawn
And the seagulls sing their feeding song
With their feather fits and pesky shits
A good morning meal of brine and grits

But do you ever wonder what truly calls
Beyond the man-made jagged rock walls?
The omniscient breakers have kept us in
And I'm jumping out of my rusted skin

Just untie the ropes from this adamant dock
And tug me along with our fingers locked
Pull me past the lighthouse, our forbidden tree
Then we'll sink our teeth in and drift out to sea...

1 comment:

Jackson Perry said...

I used the word brine today. Thief.