the stars, the sea, and sleep.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

High 5.0, Mother Nature!

What a pleasant surprise!
Nature stands by my side
With my creativity low
She shook the ground below
And now I've got something to write!

With my one-liner friends
The talk never ends
Of the magnitude recorded today
This fresh 5.0
Has put on a show
But the main event's coming our way.

But dear Mr. Richter,
Your scale must be broken!
Or seismologists just treat them like toys,
Because the vibrations felt
From what I could tell
Were only good ones sung by The Boys.

Silly old Rick,
Your clock still ticks
And San Gabriel Valley watches and waits...
We build sturdy foundations,
And make rough estimations,
Of when you'll finally open Hell's gates.


Jackson Perry said...

and from this lofty hilltop out east I fear,
that when of the big one I hear,
I may be compelled to shed a tear,
in memory of those lost ones I hold dear.

Chris W. said...

i like that...