the stars, the sea, and sleep.

Monday, April 26, 2010


yr snss r brkn,
y'r smllng up snt
in n lfctry, dble, vsl sns.
mthng out cnsnnts wn't mk a vc,
so mk ths cll-t-rms sbjctlss by chc.
it s tm t strghtn out spnl prrts
t mk ths wrld hve sm srt of mnng
wtht mkng yr bndng nck ct ff yr brthng.
wht's a fctry hrt tht s chrnng out spch,
bt frgttng th vwls n th lf tht you nd?

...your senses are broken,
you're smelling up snot
in an olfactory, audible, visual sense.
mouthing out consonants won't make a voice,
so make this call-to-arms subjectless by choice.
it is time to straighten out spinal priorities
to make this world have some sort of meaning
without making your bending neck cut off your breathing.
what is a factory heart that is churning out speech,
but forgetting the vowels in the life that you need?


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